I created an art piece a few years ago in memory of the millions of Rohingya people who were victims of the Myanmar Buddhists cruelty. I chose to make a recreation of the Myanmar flag with a twist. Today, many Buddhist monks create sand mandalas, a Tibetan Buddhist tradition that includes creating and then destroying intricate designs made from colored sand. The Buddhist monks have a ritual of dismantling their sand mandalas once they are completed to symbolize that all material objects are temporary. Sand is considered an uncountable substance. No human being would want to take the time to count every grain of sand; even if it only filled up a small jar. The Rohingya are such a poor ethnic group and especially because they live in the impoverished state of Myanmar, the government doesn’t keep records of who is being killed, and how many are dying every day. Just like sand, salt is also immeasurable so I chose salt as the star on the flag of Myanmar to represent the countless deaths of the Rohingya. The Buddhist Monks believe that the Rohingya are reincarnations of snakes and insects, and the mass murders they have committed serve merely as pest control. This is why I chose to place (fake) “dead” insects all over the Myanmar flag. The insects symbolize the dehumanization of the Rohingya people. A person’s religion, race, ethnic background, and beliefs shouldn’t affect the way we treat others. Everyone deserves to be respected by the people around them.